
KosherMe$6.99 from fillmyhead KosherMe

KosherMe Jewish Prayer 101

NEW: All Prayers and Blessings come in Nusach Ashkenaz, Nusach Edot HazMirach and Nusach Sefardi.

Jews around the world have just entered the year 5769. A good and sweet year to all of you! Use the new beginning and:

Get started with Jewish Blessings and Prayers!

KosherMe is the perfect app for you, if you…

… are getting started with saying your Blessings (Bensching),

… or, know the basics, but need help with the longer Blessings and Prayers (e.g. Amida, Birkat Hamazon or Bedtime Shma)

… appreciate interlinear translation,

… find transliterated Hebrew useful,

… simply love the Hebrew letters and want the Holy Language to look really good on your iPhone display.

(… or want to impress your (future) in-laws with your aptitude in Jewish Blessings. ;-))

KosherMe contains the perfect selection of Jewish Blessings and Prayers to get your daily Yiddishkeit off the ground:

– All Blessings (Brachot) before and after meals or snacks.

– Blessings over Nature’s wonders

– Kri’at Shma al Hamita: the “Bedtime Shma” that Jews say before closing their eyes to sleep.

– Amida (Shmona Esre): “The Eighteen Blessings”, centerpiece of Jewish prayer and liturgy, which is recited three times a day.

– Birkot Hashachar: Morning blessings for a perfect start into the day.

– All five versions of Kaddish (including Mourner’s Kaddish): The Prayer you say for a lost loved one.

– Tfillat Haderech: “Wayfarer’s Prayer” for the Jew on the go.

– … and some more surprising Blessings that you might not even know!

KosherMe uses a unique method of rendering Hebrew text on the iPhone, the vowel-points are positioned precisely. Thanks to the “Hebrew Rendering Engine” built into KosherMe, you can both enjoy the beauty and strength of the Hebrew letters as well as fully concentrate on the spiritual meaning of the Prayers.

We are updating KosherMe regularly. To stay informed about upcoming additions please visit If you have questions or suggestions drop a mail at


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